Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Well, we have another change of plans. Can't do it today (no Kenny), tomorrow (no Holly), or the next day (that's apparently DuJuan's graduation party, thought I wasn't invited...)! Woot. Well, I guess we'll get to it eventually.

If anyone has any suggestions, go ahead and leave them.

Ta ta for now.


Blogger Unknown said...

Of course its hard... organization is difficult when we're not seeing eachother every day. Plus, this blogging isn't a good strategy because I know for a fact that not everyone who's interested is reading this on a frequent basis. We need phone communication, we need a roster, and we need hard plans. I can be a host almost every day.

I guess since I'm the one who wants most of the changes, I'll take care of most of the hard things like meetings and what not. What I need is a list of all of the people involved, and a calendar of availability for each person. That way, I can figure out good meeting times. We can still have fun with this, but its still going to require some effort to get done.

12:43 AM  

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